How To Strum Reggae || Full Details on guitar is finally here! This video will explain and demonstrate exactly how to do a single strum as well as a double skank. You will also get a close up of how both the right and left hand coordinate. Please watch the video in full as I also demonstrate exactly where to place the hands to get the best tone for stuck lines.
Reggae Rules: How to Play Reggae the Right Way
This reggae primer is designed to get you up and running with a cross-section of guitar styles that have been in use for nearly five decades.
Click here for article
Johnny Osbourne + Sly & Robbie rehearsal – Tokyo, October 2014
A Course in Reggae
Learn how to play Reggae with Sly and Robbie and Dennis Bovell, for drummers, bass players and guitar players.
Learn how to play guitar
In this video guitar lesson we teach rhythm techniques for easy ska reggae and dub style music. We show all the chords and strum patterns and make it easy and fun – enjoy!
Excellent one page summery taken from King Edward VI School
Yr-8-Summer-Term-Reggae-MusicThree Little Birds – Walkthrough
12 pages that takes you through Bob Marleys “3 Little Birds.” Very well put together from Monk’s Walk School Music Department
Three-Little-Birds-Reggae-Sheets-AllHow To Play Reggae Guitar with TUFF LION
A brief instructional video about many of the subtleties of playing reggae guitar with Tuff Lion (accompanied by Matt Jenson.)