Grab the dub stems:… Hey friends! In this video we walk through some of the concepts of dubbing and we go over FX signal paths and routing. I do hope you enjoy and are inspired by this tutorial!
Roots Makers Dubbers EP – Live Dub by DM Kahn – FULL EP
Hey friends, I’ve been super busy with the studio build but I wanted to share this live dub performance of the @rootsmakers2751 Dubbers EP!
Dubbing With DM KAHN – A Live REGGAE DUB Tutorial
In this video Kahn debuts his new track “Dubwise Rhythm” featuring Jack Carver on guitar. Live drums, bass, guitars, percs, and VST piano and organ makes this rhythm especially lively. It’s a 135BPM Rubadub style heavy rockers rhythm.
Kahn mixes the rest of the music around Karigan Reggae Drummer’s awesome Rubadub drum stems. John Roy is on tenor and baritone sax, and Alex Heintz on trombone and trumpet. Kahn shows all of the processing he did on his own bass guitar, piano, pluck and rhythm guitar,as well as percussions. Make sure you stay til the end to hear a sneak peek of the vocal version “Pon Da Riddim” by Raphie!