Lee “Scratch” Perry Tribute

Don Letts’ Culture Clash Radio

Don pays tribute to the visionary Jamaican producer and artist Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry, who died on 29th August, and whose groundbreaking work changed the course of popular music. As well as the music and Don’s thoughts and memories of working with Scratch, we also hear from the great man, through an interview recorded in 2007, some of which has never been broadcast.

BBC Radio 6 Music – Don Letts’ Culture Clash Radio, Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry RIP

Lee Scratch Perry’s Vision of Paradise

Filmed over 15 years, this is the story of the legendary Lee Scratch Perry, the inventor of Reggae and Dub, and a guide how to change the world with art and music. A thrilling, poetic story with the legendary Lee Scratch Perry, this movie is a unique project in many ways: it’s not a biography but rather a fairy tale documentary! The director followed Lee Perry for 15 years and discovered a story that is almost impossible to believe: a revelation, told about and with one of the major protagonists of contemporary music. It is a mind-blowing encounter with “the” inventor of reggae and dub, the mentor of Bob Marley and as such one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. The movie is a humorous adventure of epic dimensions and can be seen as a guide for how to change the world with music – with a positive attitude, mind set or, as Lee Perry calls it: “vibration”.

More than a scratch

He regards Bob Marley as a creature of his making. That was before Lee `Scratch’ Perry’s `Ark’ period, when he made spookily beautiful roots reggae. And no doubt he still would if he hadn’t burnt his studio down. Nick Coleman talks to the father of all producers

The independent – Nick Coleman 25 July 1997

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